Dependency-Track logov4.11


For a complete list of changes, refer to the respective GitHub milestones:

We thank all organizations and individuals who contributed to this release, from logging issues to taking part in discussions on GitHub & Slack to testing of fixes.

Special thanks to everyone who contributed code to implement enhancements and fix defects:
@aravindparappil46, @lgrguricmileusnic, @molusk, @sahibamittal

dependency-track-apiserver.jar #
Algorithm Checksum
SHA-1 174956bf3cd2dab16cfd36e7ab1b5d7001b99160
SHA-256 135cf4361bbbc65f488796bf196c8d2d3cbebec931b249e037551c6fbbae2ed7
dependency-track-bundled.jar #
Algorithm Checksum
SHA-1 af75c903b033418ea6326cbb4e6885afba99ee94
SHA-256 5020ac51158038439b7482d5c5fec151773162724dce1779249bf73053456d34 #
Algorithm Checksum
SHA-1 1119cb6abbcdfe014f013205d40ae11668bd5c83
SHA-256 9d122fc6ddea378afc87bf555949f6c201281c9289a36ae97900b7bee4cbc7f5
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) #