Dependency-Track logov4.11



Upgrade Notes:

Two new LDAP properties were introduced in v3.5.0 that affect LDAP configuration. The properties are:

Refer to Configuration and Deploying Docker Container for details.

Additional properties introduced in this release are:

Under most situations, changing these values is not recommended and may introduce unintended consequences. One important change introduced in this release is the default value of alpine.database.pool.max.lifetime has changed from 30 minutes (in previous releases) to 10 minutes.

Algorithm Checksum
SHA-1 7d66f0530d74ff9bc0de628d5e76b5ee6ed6ead7
SHA-256 8bbf820fde7843a680fd51eed831aeddd61507f5420abb68b46859168cc98919
Algorithm Checksum
SHA-1 0bb9a0737a36ebbcd88fe91ca595f12957e85583
SHA-256 143ed44988419ba84cc3956e602e297f025149f19faa65f32c0e8311b71fed5b