Dependency-Track logov4.11

This page lists various usage examples of Dependency-Track and its REST API that have been contributed by the community.

Finding vulnerabilities from CISA KEV in Dependency-Track #

Contributed by JoergBruenner

CISA maintains a catalog of known exploited vulnerabilities (KEV). The following powershell script may be used to quickly identify projects in the Dependency-Track portfolio that are affected by vulnerabilities listed in KEV.

$api_base_url = 'http://localhost:8081'
$api_key = 'changeit'

$urlCISA = ''
$catalog = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $urlCISA -Method Get).content | ConvertFrom-Json

$headers = @{
    'accept' = 'application/json'
    'X-Api-Key' = $api_key

foreach ($vulnerability in $catalog.vulnerabilities)
    $uri = $api_base_url + "/api/v1/vulnerability/source/NVD/vuln/" + $vulnerability.cveID + "/projects"
    $response = ""

        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $headers
        $affected_projects = $response | ConvertFrom-Json

        if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200)
            forEach ($project in $affected_projects)
                $vulnerability.cveID + ': ' + $ + " v." + $project.version + " UUID: " + $project.uuid
        '[ERROR]: ' + $uri + ' / ' + $vulnerability.cveID + " : " + $response
        '[ERROR] ' + $_.Exception.Message
        '[ERROR] ' + $_.ScriptStackTrace

Creating Excel reports from EPSS data #

Contributed by JoergBruenner

The FIRST exploit prediction scoring system (EPSS) can help with prioritizing remediation efforts, by giving estimations of the likelihood that vulnerabilities are being exploited in the wild. Dependency-Track has native support for EPSS, and surfaces this data directly in the UI, or in its REST API.

Note that EPSS is only supported for published CVEs. Vulnerabilities sourced from GitHub Advisories, OSV, or Snyk will not have EPSS scores assigned to them.

The following Powershell script may be used to create an Excel report of all vulnerable components in the Dependency-Track portfolio, where both the CVSSv3 and EPSS scores exceed a given threshold. For each vulnerable component, the report will include identifiers of the component, the vulnerability it is affected by, the project the component belongs to, as well as the respective CVSSv3 and EPSS scores.

$api_base_url = 'http://localhost:8081'
$api_key = 'changeit'
$output_file = 'C:\temp\cvss-epss.xlsx'
$cvssMin = 5
$epssMin = 0.5
$headers = @{
    'accept' = 'application/json'
    'X-Api-Key' = $api_key

    $my_excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
    $my_excel.visible = $false
    $my_workbook = $my_excel.workbooks.add()
    $sheet_1 = $my_workbook.worksheets.item(1)
    $ = "EPSS-CVSS"

    $sheet_1.cells.item(1, 1) = 'NAME'
    $sheet_1.cells.item(1, 2) = 'VERSION'
    $sheet_1.cells.item(1, 3) = 'UUID'
    $sheet_1.cells.item(1, 4) = 'VULN-ID'
    $sheet_1.cells.item(1, 5) = 'CVSS'
    $sheet_1.cells.item(1, 6) = 'EPSS'
    $sheet_1.cells.item(1, 7) = 'COMPONENT-NAME'
    $sheet_1.cells.item(1, 8) = 'COMPONENT-VERSION'

    $line = 2

    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($api_base_url + '/api/v1/project') -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $projects = $response | ConvertFrom-Json

    foreach ($project in $projects)
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($api_base_url + '/api/v1/vulnerability/project/' + $project.uuid) -Method Get -Headers $headers
        $vulns = $response | ConvertFrom-Json
        foreach ($vuln in $vulns)
            $cvss = [Float]$vuln.cvssV3BaseScore
            $epss = [Float]$vuln.epssScore
            if (($cvss -gt $cvssMin) -and ( $epss -gt $epssMin))
                foreach ($comp in $vuln.components)
                    $ + ";" + $project.version + ";" + $project.uuid + ";" + $vuln.vulnID + ";" + $vuln.cvssV3BaseScore + ";" + $vuln.epssScore + ";" + $ + ";" + $comp.version

                    # Set text format
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 1).NumberFormat = "@"
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 1) = $
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 2).NumberFormat = "@"
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 2) = $project.version

                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 3).NumberFormat = "@"
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 3) = $project.uuid
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 4).NumberFormat = "@"
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 4) = $vuln.vulnID
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 5).NumberFormat = "@"
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 5) = $vuln.cvssV3BaseScore
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 6).NumberFormat = "@"
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 6) = $vuln.epssScore
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 7).NumberFormat = "@"
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 7) = $
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 8).NumberFormat = "@"
                    $sheet_1.cells.item($line, 8) = $comp.version
    'error: ' + $response