Dependency-Track logov4.11

OpenID Connect is supported in Dependency-Track 4.0.0 and above

In the context of OAuth2 / OIDC, Dependency-Track’s frontend acts as client while the API server acts as resource server (see OAuth2 roles). Due to this, the frontend requires additional configuration, which is currently only supported when deploying it separately from the API server. Refer to the Configuration and Docker deployment pages for instructions. The “bundled” Docker image and “Classic” Dependency-Track deployments using solely the executable WAR are not supported!

If configured properly, users will be able to sign in by clicking the OpenID button on the login page:

Login page with OpenID button

NOTE: the front-end will not display the OIDC login button if the Dependency-Track service is unable to connect to your OIDC server’s .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint. The server logs can help you identify whether this is an issue with firewall rules, internal TLS certificates, or other errors which may be preventing that communication.

Before v4.3.0, Dependency-Track exclusively used the /userinfo endpoint of the IdP to get user information.
Since v4.3.0, ID tokens are validated and evaluated as well. They even take precedence over /userinfo,
which means that Dependency-Track will no longer request the /userinfo endpoint if all required claims
are present in the ID token’s payload already.

How OpenID Connect claims are mapped #

When someone authenticates using OIDC, the claims provided in the ID token or /userinfo API response will be mapped to existing OIDC Groups and the user will be added to any teams which have those groups mapped. To have OIDC users added to a team, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Dependency-Track as an administrator and navigate to Administration -> Access Management -> OpenID Connect Groups.
  2. Create a group with the name used in the OIDC team claim configured below. The value must match exactly, including case.
  3. If the team you want members of the OIDC group to join already exists, use the Mapped Teams menu to select it. If the team does not exist, open Administration -> Access Management -> Teams to create it and, after having done so, add the OIDC group to the Mapped OpenID Connect Groups list.

Example Configurations #

Generally, Dependency-Track can be used with any identity provider that implements the OpenID Connect standard. Multiple identity providers have been tested, the following are some example configurations that are known to work. Note that some providers may not support specific features like team synchronization, or require further configuration to make them work. If you find that the provider of your choice does not work with Dependency-Track, please file an issue.

For a complete overview of available configuration options for both API server and frontend, please refer to the Configuration page.

Auth0 #

API server Frontend
alpine.oidc.enabled=true OIDC_CLIENT_ID=9XgMg7bP7QbD74TZnzZ9Jhk9KHq3RPCM
alpine.oidc.issuer= OIDC_ISSUER=

* Requires additional configuration

GitLab ( #

API server Frontend
alpine.oidc.enabled=true OIDC_CLIENT_ID=ff53529a3806431e06b2930c07ab0275a9024a59873a0d5106dd67c4cd34e3be
alpine.oidc.issuer= OIDC_ISSUER=
alpine.oidc.teams.claim=groups currently does not set the required CORS headers, see GitLab issue #209259.
For on-premise installations, this could be fixed by setting the required headers via reverse proxy.

Azure Active Directory #

API server Frontend
alpine.oidc.enabled=true OIDC_CLIENT_ID=2e0a07ae-eabd-45d7-a8f5-ca4ad71b48ae
alpine.oidc.issuer= OIDC_ISSUER=

OIDC integration with Azure Active Directory requires you to register Dependency-Track as an app in your tenant, see Azure Active Directory app registration.

The contains the Application ID of the app registration, and the alpine.oidc.issuer contains the Directory (tenant) ID.

Google #

API server Frontend
alpine.oidc.enabled=true OIDC_CLIENT_ID=
alpine.oidc.issuer= OIDC_ISSUER=
alpine.oidc.username.claim=email OIDC_FLOW=implicit

Follow the docs to learn how to create the client id.

Set the redirect URI to <dependency track host>/static/oidc-callback.html

Keycloak #

API server Frontend
alpine.oidc.enabled=true OIDC_CLIENT_ID=dependency-track
alpine.oidc.issuer= OIDC_ISSUER=

* Requires additional configuration, see Example setup with Keycloak

Default Groups #

In cases where team synchronization is not possible, auto-provisioned users can be assigned one or more default teams.


Note that this feature is intended to be used specifically when team synchronization is disabled. If team synchronization is enabled, memberships will be reset upon next login of the respective user.

Example setup with Keycloak #

The following steps demonstrate how to setup OpenID Connect with Keycloak. Most settings should be applicable to other IdPs as well.

This guide assumes that:

  • the Dependency-Track frontend has been deployed to
  • a Keycloak instance is available at
  • the realm example has been created in Keycloak
  1. Configure the client as shown below:

    Keycloak: Configure client

    • Client ID: dependency-track
    • Client Protocol: openid-connect
    • Access Type: public
    • Standard Flow Enabled: ON
    • Valid Redirect URIs:
      • A trailing wildcard (*) was required when using frontend v1.3.0-v4.3.0, in order to support post-login redirects
      • Starting with v4.4.0, the trailing wildcard is no longer necessary
    • Web Origins:
  2. To be able to synchronize team memberships, create a protocol mapper that includes group memberships as groups in the /userinfo endpoint:

Keycloak: Create protocol mapper for groups

    * Mapper Type: `Group Membership`
    * Token Claim Name: `groups`
    * Add to userinfo: `ON` (optional for Dependency-Track v4.3.0 and newer)
    * Add to ID token: `ON` (for Dependency-Track v4.3.0 and newer)
  1. Create some groups, e.g. DTRACK_ADMINS and DTRACK_USERS:

    Keycloak: Groups

  2. Verify that all required claims are present in the /userinfo endpoint

$ ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl \
    -d "client_id=dependency-track" \
    -d "grant_type=password" \
    -d "username=demo-user" \
    -d "password=demo-pass" \
    | jq -r .access_token)
$ curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
  "groups": ["DTRACK_USERS"],
  "sub": "290e5d27-25d2-414c-a04c-5d03cd0e1db8",
  "email_verified": true,
  "preferred_username": "demo-user",
  "email": "[email protected]"
  1. Configure OIDC for both API server and frontend of Dependency-Track, as demonstrated below for a docker-compose deployment:

    version: "3"
        image: dependencytrack/dependency-track
          # ...
          - "ALPINE_OIDC_ENABLED=true"
          - "ALPINE_OIDC_CLIENT_ID=dependency-track"
          - "ALPINE_OIDC_ISSUER="
          - "ALPINE_OIDC_USERNAME_CLAIM=preferred_username"
          - "ALPINE_OIDC_TEAMS_CLAIM=groups"
        image: dependencytrack/frontend
          # ...
          - "OIDC_ISSUER="
          - "OIDC_CLIENT_ID=dependency-track"
  2. Login to Dependency-Track as admin and navigate to Administration -> Access Management -> OpenID Connect Groups

  1. Use the OpenID button on the login page to sign in with a Keycloak user that is member of at least one of the configured groups. Navigating to Administration -> Access Management -> OpenID Connect Users should now reveal that the user has been automatically provisioned and team memberships have been synchronized:

    OIDC User

Dependency-Track associates every OpenID Connect user with their subject identifier (sub claim of the access token) upon first login. If a user with the same name but a different subject identifier attempts to log in via OIDC, Dependency-Track will refuse to authenticate that user. This is done to prevent account takeovers, as some identity providers allow users to change their usernames. Also, uniqueness of usernames is not always guaranteed, while the uniqueness of subject identifiers is.

Azure Active Directory app registration #

The following steps demonstrate how to setup OpenID Connect with Azure Active Directory.

This guide assumes that:

  • the Dependency-Track frontend has been deployed to
  • an Azure Active Directory tenant has been created
  1. Add an app registration for Dependency-Track to your Azure AD tenant:

    • Name: Dependency-Track
    • Supported account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only
    • Redirect URI (optional): Leave empty for now
  2. Under Authentication:

    • Add as a Single Page Application Redirect URI
    • leave all settings at default:
  3. Under Token configuration:

    • Click Add groups claim
    • Select the group types you’d like to include
      • If you are unsure, start by trying all options
      • If you are in a large organization and have users with lots of groups, you may want to choice only Groups assigned to the application to avoid SSO issues. See #2150
  4. Under API permissions, add the following Microsoft Graph API permissions:

    • OpenId permissions -> email
    • OpenId permissions -> openid
    • OpenId permissions -> profile
    • GroupMember -> GroupMember.Read.All