Dependency-Track logov4.11

An executable WAR is a traditional Java Web Archive (WAR) that is packaged in a way where it can executed from the command-line. Unlike traditional WARs which require a Servlet container already installed and configured, executable WARs fast-track this process by bundling a Servlet container specifically configured to execute the bundled application.

The Dependency-Track executable WAR is delivered ready-to-run. To use the executable WAR, the only requirement is to have Java 17 (or higher) installed.

Deprecation Notice

The Executable WAR is deprecated and will no longer be distributed in a future version of Dependency-Track It is advisable that organizations migrate to a container strategy such as Docker or Kubernetes.

The Executable WAR is available in two variants:

Refer to distributions for details.

Requirements #

Minimum Recommended
Java 17 (or higher) Java 17 (or higher)
2 CPU cores 4 CPU cores

If minimum requirements are not met, Dependency-Track will not start correctly. However, for systems with Java 17 already installed, this method of execution may provide the fastest deployment path.

These requirements can be disabled by setting the ‘system.requirement.check.enabled’ property or the ‘SYSTEM_REQUIREMENT_CHECK_ENABLED’ environment variable to ‘false’.

Startup #

# Executes Dependency-Track with default options
java -Xmx8G -jar dependency-track-bundled.war

Command-Line Arguments #

The following command-line arguments can be passed to a compiled executable WAR when executing it:

Argument Default Description
-context / The application context to deploy to
-host The IP address to bind to
-port 8080 The TCP port to listens on

Note: Setting the context is only supported on the API Server variant. The Frontend requires deployment to the root (‘/’) context.

Examples #

java -Xmx12G -jar dependency-track-apiserver.war -context /dtrack
java -Xmx12G -jar dependency-track-apiserver.war -port 8081
java -Xmx12G -jar dependency-track-apiserver.war -context /dtrack -host -port 9000
java -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80.0 -jar dependency-track-bundled.war