Dependency-Track logov4.11

Dependency-Track has three distribution variants. They are:

Package Package Format Recommended Supported Docker Download
API Server Executable WAR
Frontend Single Page Application
Bundled Executable WAR ☑️

API Server #

The API Server contains an embedded Jetty server and all server-side functionality, but excludes the frontend user interface. This variant is new as of Dependency-Track v4.0.

Frontend #

The Frontend is the user interface that is accessible in a web browser. The Frontend is a Single Page Application (SPA) that can be deployed independently of the Dependency-Track API Server. This variant is new as of Dependency-Track v3.8.

Bundled #

The Bundled variant combines the API Server and the Frontend user interface. This variant was previously referred to as the executable war and was the preferred distribution from Dependency-Track v3.0 - v3.8. This variant is supported but deprecated and will be discontinued in a future release.